Capturing the Spirit of Graduation at Loyola Chicago University

**Alt Text:** A group of smiling graduates in their caps and gowns, posing together with a volleyball, symbolizing their shared experiences and friendship formed during their years playing volleyball at Loyola Chicago University.

May has been a bustling month filled with excitement, pride, and a touch of nostalgia as seniors at Loyola Chicago University prepared to take their final steps as students and leap into the next chapter of their lives. Over the course of three photo sessions, I had the privilege of capturing these unforgettable moments, creating a visual story that reflects the joy, achievements, and dreams of these remarkable graduates. Here’s a glimpse into our sessions that took us across some of the most iconic spots on campus.

Senior opening a bottle of champagne by the green door.
posing by the Library  green door
Josh - Loyola Senior posing by Cudahy Library at Loyola
candid shot of Loyola Graduate by the green door at the library.

By the Library

The library, a place of countless hours of study and academic rigor, served as the perfect backdrop for our next set of photos. Seniors posed with their friends, reminiscing about late-night study sessions and the camaraderie built over shared academic struggles and successes. The library steps provided a grand stage for group shots, capturing the collective achievement of these young scholars.

Justin proud graduate of 2024
Loyola Grad sitting on the Library stairs.
Graduation photos by the water fall in front of the Library
Criminal Justice grad posing on Loyola Library welcome center.
Senior throwing the graduation cap in the air
Mark was able to graduate from Marine Corp as well
Kate taking a 3 generation photo on the stairs of the Loyola Library
Josh and Mathew candid shot by Loyola Information Commons

By the Arches

Loyola’s iconic arches are a testament to the enduring spirit and tradition of the university. Here, I captured seniors walking through the arches, symbolizing their transition from students to alumni. These photos are both nostalgic and hopeful, marking the end of one journey and the beginning of another. The arches framed the graduates beautifully, adding a sense of grandeur to each shot.

Kate posing by the arches
Best place for family photos is by the Loyola Arches
Sean Toner posing by the iconic Loyola arches
Sara taking a beautiful graduation portrait by the arches
Mathew posing by the arches with Lake Michigan in the background

By the Chapel

The chapel, a place of reflection and serenity, provided a peaceful setting for our next series of photos. Graduates posed with stethoscopes, celebrating the completion of their nursing degrees. The solemnity of the chapel juxtaposed with the joy of graduation created powerful, poignant images. Additionally, family photos taken here radiated pride and love, capturing the supportive network that has been integral to each graduate’s success.

Sean posing in front of the chapel

By Lake Michigan

With the sparkling waters of Lake Michigan as our backdrop, these photos captured the vibrant energy and excitement of the graduates. The natural beauty of the lake complemented the joy and spontaneity of the seniors, who celebrated with champagne, laughter, and exuberant poses. The lakeside shots are full of life and light, perfectly embodying the spirit of celebration.

Bianca posing by the Lake Michigan
Josh posing beautifully with the cap in the air
Megan posing with her furry baby by the Lake Michigan
Kate opening her champagne to celebrate the graduation
Kate posing by Lake Michigan with her stethoscope showing that she graduates in medical field

By the Loyola Grounds

No graduation photo session at Loyola Chicago University would be complete without a shot by the Loyola grounds. This iconic landmark served as a proud declaration of the graduates’ accomplishments. Posing alone, with friends, or with family, each senior’s photo around Loyola Campus is a testament to their hard work, dedication, and the bright future that lies ahead.

Group of Loyola Graduates celebrating by the Norville center
Grace posing on the quad with Loyola sign in background
Grace posing by the Class of 2024 sign

Final Thoughts
These photo sessions were more than just a series of snapshots; they were a celebration of years of hard work, growth, and transformation. Each location on campus added its unique flavor to the photos, from the quiet reflection by the chapel to the joyous celebrations by Lake Michigan. To all the Loyola Chicago University seniors, thank you for allowing me to capture these precious moments. Your energy, spirit, and determination were truly inspiring. Congratulations to the class of 2024—may your futures be as bright and beautiful as the memories we’ve captured together.

If you enjoyed this collection of graduation memories, be sure to check out another beautiful graduation photo session at Loyola Chicago University. This session captures the vibrant spirit and heartfelt emotions of the graduates as they celebrate their achievements across the stunning campus landmarks. Click here to see more joyful moments, creative poses, and the unique essence of Loyola’s Graduates.

Ready to capture your own unforgettable graduation moments? Don’t miss out on preserving these special memories! Call or text us today to book your personalized graduation photo session. Let’s create stunning photos that celebrate your achievements and the start of your next exciting chapter. Contact us now to secure your spot! Call or text to 8477498821 or email to

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