I met Tibi and Ivonne when I photographed a product for Tibi’s company. Then Ivonne and Tibi picked me to photograph their own elopment in Chicago! You may remember them from post I made on our wedding photography website.
Once they had their gorgeous baby boy they called me to do a newborn session. Mister Tiago acted like a model! He loved taking photos! Just like his parents!

This session is about Tiago’s First Year Birthday which was celebrated by having a smash the cake mini minisession.

We had some fun shots there and ended with the smash cake. Smash cakes are always fun to do it and Tiago knew it when we put that cake in front of him!
Here is another fun smash the cake session.
Thank you so much for the amazing photos Doru!
It is always a great pleasure photographing your family and this smash the cake was amazing!!